Thursday, July 11, 2013

A source of comfort: January, 1876

My diary et le votre [and yours]

A. S. Ames
1615 Lucas Pl., St. Louis, Mo.
The “Ames” (Aims) of Life

Fronticepiece. Ah! dear, I have commenced this diary with the idea of its being a sort of letter to a once very dear friend, & of sending it to her for her perusal—but, have repented luckily of so ridiculous an idea. She shall never see it.

Saturday, January 1, 1876. My darling Lily, before you read this diary I want to ask you once more and impress upon you never to mention any thing in this book. It is between you & me—I turn this down so you will see it surely. I know you would not say any thing about it.

*Friday, January 28, 1876. Today, I got our diaries, darling. I hope they may prove a source of comfort to us both. I got them large because I thought we would always have a great deal to say to each other.

Saturday, January 29, 1876. O! think, dear, with what different feelings we should meet each other now—so different—when last year we were in each other’s reach all the time but did not appreciate the moments and what they ought have been to us if but a summer had been passed over before.

Sunday, January 30, 1876. Sunday I always think of my property, namely Dini, in N. Y. How nice it will be when we get our diaries finished! They will always be something new to us and a source of comfort to both I hope.

Monday, January 31, 1876. My dear one—it is funny that though I love you so much better than I do Mamie C.—that I hear oftener from the latter. Can not this be remedied?

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